Saturday, January 9, 2016

chapter four: This whole chapter wasn't my favorite but the parts of it that where was when Ultima explained the power of the river and how he is also apart of the river , so he should not fear its power. Ultima is amazing in the way she cares for and treats the herbs she uses and how she explains this importance to Antonio. I actually read a study on how only one molecule(a very special molecule) can actually pick up all sorts of waves and be able to mimic those waves. You see the study said that people send off vibration waves from thinking certain things and that this molecule,water, can change its structure to react. so in a test a doctor had two jar filled with water and rice and for weeks him and is class would think a certain thought, for jar #1 these were hateful things and the for jar #2 these were lovely things. the outcome was that the jar #1 grew mold after two moths and #2 stayed healthy with no sign of mold or bacteria. more studies were done and it came out that based off what you think water will change it's shape. So i feel that these herbs, which have water, that were being told these words of encouragement and love reciprocated these thoughts and acted on what she felt.

now my next part was when Antonio said that in his dream his brothers came back and that he had disappointed his mother in his destiny. This was cool to me because i wanted to see if his dreams always come true so that if they did i could know if later he would disappoint his mom. Liked how he is young yet he must figure out his future soon. Its kinda sad.

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