Saturday, January 9, 2016

Twenty-two: this ending was epic and all I can say is that you could feel how much he has grown since he first met Ultima within this last chapter an you feel moved by the death of Ultima and her blessing that she has played. So believe that she was a witch and thats not all bad because she was good. Really happy because he has found himself and his values and beliefs and he will become his own man. Happy for Antonio. this was a really great book
twenty-one: I literally yelled "no! aww crap!" when i read this at restaurant because i truly felt for Florence. I think that Florence was to precious to live which leads me to believe that Antonio and Ultima will die soon. Really bummed out that Florence died though because this yet another death to way on Antonio's young heart. He is losing himself but i hope he finds some one better. If thats possible.
chapter twenty: Another crazy moment that truly shows the power of Ultima and it was cool because of the action but not beaus of an realizations he may have had. cool chapter to read but not very good in helping you t fell more.
chapter nineteen: By not receiving his answer i feel that Antonio recede his answer and i feel sad for him since his exception were not met and how sad he was about it, yet if he had received answers then he could not he given the ability to find his own way with his own values and beliefs.
chapter eighteen: I thought this was beautiful in how Antonio realizes God has not been watching over his last friends in forgiving them and saving their lives so he will. Antonio knows its not his place to judge people and what they decide to believe and above what he knows is expected he does what he feels is correct. He is truly finding his own way. This is a huge moment for Antonio and his understanding of what he believes.
chapter seventeen: I like Florence because he is in the same type of mind set as Antonio and is smart enough to question all he is told to understand all life truly is to him. I really admire Florence for this.
chapter sixteen: Poor Antonio. I admire his thoughts and how he question his beliefs so that he can become sure. i feel all this questioning will lead to his greater understanding later on. Also think its weird how Ultima is just like don't sweat it dude I'm good even though he is just a kid and what she asks is easier said then done.
chapter fifteen: I think he is correct for blaming his brother, yet i feel this a lot for him to bear and he should probably fog him soon. this was a sad chapter but i feel they didn't grieve long or hard enough for Narcisco
chapter fourteen: I thought this whole chapter was whacky with the having to do a play that was weird. super sad though with what happened to Narcisco and how was killed. I really liked Narcisco because he was so simple and sad yet he was chosen to see the Golden carp. really sad to read.
chapter thirteen: Not much happened though i thought it weird that they would go the Tenorio's daughter's funeral. Agin with the whole future destiny thing though. This was a boring chapter
chapter twelve: Back to the craziness and now i think that Ultima is a witch but a good kind because i think she or the owl removed the cross so that she could be seen as though she is not a witch. I think this was also an intense moment for U;time to show that she does not fear any man and also the guy that sewed his lips shut and all was figgie crazy.
chapter eleven: I like this chapter a ton since it explored the legend of the Golden Carp and how only certain people may see the carp. Also like how Ultima acts all knowledgeable and powerful yet she plays it off and doesn't really share all of it.
chapter ten: This chapter was so cool to me because it felt like it was going to lead Antonio into being come cool herbs and natural medicine healer. sadly it didn't but still liked the action. I was still very confused on why Ultima thought " oh no this demon is killing this man so I will place it into this little boy" like that was kinda trippy and weird.
chapter nine: I feel that what the priest had told him was true about how he won't be innocent until he isn't. kinda felt like it meant he was going to stay the way he was until he changed himself and maybe that has already happened through seeing the death of Lupito. Also I don't think this is the last of this Rosie woman's house with Andrew in it. Or maybe this is of the future and how he will see Rosies house later on and then he will not be innocent. And i really loved the Golden Carp idea because it was unique and unheard of to me.
chapter eight: Kinda felt that the brothers had a right to go off and live their life but I couldn't help but feel sad for the parents. Nice to see Antonio blessing his brothers, yet i didn't like how they left him and told him to fulfill their parents dreams when they had abandoned them. Hope Antonio finds his way through Ultima.
chapter seven: I liked this chapter because it showed that Antonio's mother isn't the only one that dreams and that his father likes to dream as well. But these other sons don't seem to give one heck what the parents dream for them and thats kinda good. I hope that from them Antonio will learn that he doesn't have to fulfill his parents dreams and that he can find his own way.
chapter six: Didn't really enjoy this chapter except for the fact that it ensured that Antonio will be fight for what his destiny will be. Plus it is reasonable to believe that this fight will tried to be resolved by others even thought this is truly only his choice. I hope Antonio chooses from the heart and not the mind.
chapter five: I didn't like this chapter only because it put more pressure on the already confused Aantonio and how he will live his life. I wonder if he will go and be a true Luna? Or maybe he will find his own way.
chapter four: This whole chapter wasn't my favorite but the parts of it that where was when Ultima explained the power of the river and how he is also apart of the river , so he should not fear its power. Ultima is amazing in the way she cares for and treats the herbs she uses and how she explains this importance to Antonio. I actually read a study on how only one molecule(a very special molecule) can actually pick up all sorts of waves and be able to mimic those waves. You see the study said that people send off vibration waves from thinking certain things and that this molecule,water, can change its structure to react. so in a test a doctor had two jar filled with water and rice and for weeks him and is class would think a certain thought, for jar #1 these were hateful things and the for jar #2 these were lovely things. the outcome was that the jar #1 grew mold after two moths and #2 stayed healthy with no sign of mold or bacteria. more studies were done and it came out that based off what you think water will change it's shape. So i feel that these herbs, which have water, that were being told these words of encouragement and love reciprocated these thoughts and acted on what she felt.

now my next part was when Antonio said that in his dream his brothers came back and that he had disappointed his mother in his destiny. This was cool to me because i wanted to see if his dreams always come true so that if they did i could know if later he would disappoint his mom. Liked how he is young yet he must figure out his future soon. Its kinda sad.
Chapter three: I actually liked how this chapter was more about Antonio's thoughts than anything else and how it showed him caring for the life of a murderer even though those around him felt it to be justified. I also liked how instead of worrying about him self and his worries he is worrying on with his father took a shot and helped to kill Lupito because he does not want his fathers soul to be damned. Antonio is very religiously conscious on the real world and how it fits in with his beliefs.
Chapter two: I liked this chapter because it showed the sorrow and the loss of the boys innocence in seeing Lupito die and also the powerlessness in how scared he was in wanting to help Lupito but not being able to. He sees hope in people. I also really liked how he knew Lupito was trying to get the mob to fire at himself and how he got to see a different man than anyone up in the Mob on the bridge.  And another thing that i thought was pretty chill was when Ultima saw him and just started to mend to his wounds since she understood him and wasn't criticizing him awfully. And lets not forget this kid just saw some one get killed and yet he seems fine without telling anyone. I wonder if this experience will haunt him? And will this be important later on on him finding himself?
Chapter one:I really liked this chapter as an intro because it kinda leads you into the main struggle that Antonio will be feeling throughout the book and how Ultima will be a big influence. I also liked his dream because it felt like he was speaking his mind through his impossible memories and how they just seem to be so powerful. This kid will struggle to figure out his destiny and his way but when he does it will be beautiful.