Saturday, January 9, 2016

Twenty-two: this ending was epic and all I can say is that you could feel how much he has grown since he first met Ultima within this last chapter an you feel moved by the death of Ultima and her blessing that she has played. So believe that she was a witch and thats not all bad because she was good. Really happy because he has found himself and his values and beliefs and he will become his own man. Happy for Antonio. this was a really great book
twenty-one: I literally yelled "no! aww crap!" when i read this at restaurant because i truly felt for Florence. I think that Florence was to precious to live which leads me to believe that Antonio and Ultima will die soon. Really bummed out that Florence died though because this yet another death to way on Antonio's young heart. He is losing himself but i hope he finds some one better. If thats possible.
chapter twenty: Another crazy moment that truly shows the power of Ultima and it was cool because of the action but not beaus of an realizations he may have had. cool chapter to read but not very good in helping you t fell more.
chapter nineteen: By not receiving his answer i feel that Antonio recede his answer and i feel sad for him since his exception were not met and how sad he was about it, yet if he had received answers then he could not he given the ability to find his own way with his own values and beliefs.
chapter eighteen: I thought this was beautiful in how Antonio realizes God has not been watching over his last friends in forgiving them and saving their lives so he will. Antonio knows its not his place to judge people and what they decide to believe and above what he knows is expected he does what he feels is correct. He is truly finding his own way. This is a huge moment for Antonio and his understanding of what he believes.
chapter seventeen: I like Florence because he is in the same type of mind set as Antonio and is smart enough to question all he is told to understand all life truly is to him. I really admire Florence for this.
chapter sixteen: Poor Antonio. I admire his thoughts and how he question his beliefs so that he can become sure. i feel all this questioning will lead to his greater understanding later on. Also think its weird how Ultima is just like don't sweat it dude I'm good even though he is just a kid and what she asks is easier said then done.